Order status

The status of an order record impacts downstream workflows related to Receiving, Invoices, and aspects of Metadata Management.

What is workflow status and why is it significant?

Workflow status is the overall status of the order record: Pending, Open, or Closed. When an order record is created, it is saved in a ‘Pending’ status and cannot be opened until at least one purchase order line (POL) is associated with the order.

When an order is opened, several different events occur. See Opening an Order for more information. The act of opening an order also impacts editability of select fields on the order and POL (see below).

An order can be closed automatically by the system (see below) or can be manually closed by a staff user in FOLIO. See Closing an Order for more information.

Which fields are editable when an order is open?

A library may need to edit fields on an order record with an ‘Open’ status. This is especially common on Ongoing and Ongoing subscription orders. Use the table below to determine if a field is editable. If the field is not listed in the table below, and order must be unopened to edit the field. See Unopening an Order for more information.

Order fields

One-Time Ongoing Ongoing Subscription
Vendor Vendor Vendor
Acquisition unit Acquisition unit Acquisition unit
Assigned to Assigned to Assigned to
Bill to Bill to Bill to
Ship to Ship to Ship to
Tags Tags Tags
Note Note Note
Custom fields Subscription Subscription
Review date Renewal interval
Notes Renewal date
Custom fields Review period
Custom fields

Order line fields

One-Time Ongoing Ongoing Subscription
Receiving note Receiving note Receiving note
Subsciption from Subsciption from Subsciption from
Subscription to Subscription to Subscription to
Linked package Linked package Linked package
Internal note Internal note Internal note
Receipt date Receipt date Receipt date
Receipt status Receipt status Receipt status
Payment status Payment status Payment status
Claiming active Claiming active Claiming active
Claiming interval Claiming interval Claiming interval
Bindery active Bindery active Bindery active
Cancellation restriction Cancellation restriction Cancellation restriction
Cancellation description Cancellation description Cancellation description
Line description Line description Line description
Tags Tags Tags
Donor information Donor information Donor information
Vendor reference number and type Renewal note Renewal note
Unit price (physical and electronic) Vendor reference number and type Vendor reference number and type
Additional cost Unit price (physical and electronic) Unit price (physical and electronic)
Currency Additional cost Additional cost
Set exchange rate Currency Currency
Discount Set exchange rate Set exchange rate
Fund distribution Discount Discount
Material supplier/access provider Fund distribution Fund distribution
Receipt/Activation due Quantity (physical and electronic)* Quantity (physical and electronic)*
Expected activation/receipt date Material supplier/access provider Material supplier/access provider
URL Receipt/Activation due Receipt/Activation due
Expected activation/receipt date Expected activation/receipt date

How does FOLIO know when to close an order as ‘Complete’?

An order will automatically close with a ‘Reason for closure’ of Complete if all POL associated with the order achieve one of the following:

Receiving status Payment status
Fully Received Fully Paid
Fully Received Payment Not Required
Receipt Not Required Fully Paid
Receipt Not Required Payment Not Required
Cancelled Cancelled
Last modified December 9, 2024